Sing with us

Want the whole world as your audience? Start with a dozen people.

On the one hand, OD is an internationally acclaimed male-voice choir that regularly undertakes international tours, collaborates with world-class artists, and issues CDs. 

On the other hand, we are more than a choir: a society in which nearly everybody serves as a functionary alongside the purely musical activities, bringing their own special competence and experience. 

Both sides of OD are highly demanding: needed are musicianship, commitment, and a whole lot of time. But we find it hard to imagine any other choirs that pay back so much in the form of musical experiences and community.

Would you like to join?

We seek new singers every year, and auditions take place in early September. Candidates are asked to sing before an audition board consisting of, among others, OD’s voice coach and conductor, in total some 12 people, and the test includes the following segments:

  • Solo singing. Candidates sing a song of their choice.
  • Quartet singing. The candidate sings his part together with three singers from OD in a song sent out in advance.
  • Sight-reading test. The candidate sings his part in a song unknown beforehand.
  • Practical ear training test. Candidates sing, among other things, various series of intervals that are first played on the piano.

Entrance examinations will take place on Sunday, September 1, 2024 in Uppsala. We want your application on Thursday, August 29, 2024, by the latest. Please use the form below to apply.

OD cordially welcomes you!

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  • Do you want to know more? Contact our secretary